Signing via ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID):

  • The Editorial Board recommends that each author registers in the ORCID platform. To create your profile, go to ORCID ;
  • When submitting a manuscript, the authors identify themselves also with their ORCID ID;
  • ORCID ID is included in the author’s publication presentation;
  • An ORCID ID is also required for reviewers.

Authors are responsible for ensuring that manuscripts comply with ethical standards and do not contain plagiarism. Unauthorized borrowings and reproductions of elements of the manuscript(text, figures, primary data, etc.) are inadmissible. The borrowing of parts is done with the express consent of the rights holders and must be presented correctly and with a proper reference.


The Editorial office publishes only original works. By submitting the manuscript, the author guarantees that the work has not been and will not be published elsewhere without the copyright holder's consent.

The Editorial Board shall apply strict rules for high scientific ethics, improvement of the quality of scientific research, and guarantee the scientific reputation of the publications by using an electronic system for originality verification.

All manuscripts pass authentication through specialized software.

The editors do not accept for publication manuscripts that are found to have more than 20%coincidence with already published works.

The editorial board of the Yearbook of UNWE supports the principles of open science and the initiative to share scientific information freely. As publications with free access, the materials in the Yearbook of UNWE are part of the national repository for open science - the Bulgarian portal for Open Science (

The publications in the Yearbook of UNWE are indexed in CrossRef, and each publication receives a unique DOI digital identifier (CrossRef DOI).

Template for the authors: